

  • Okalvia: Start a new chapter of sugar substitutes and set off a new trend of reducing sugar

    Okalvia: Start a new chapter of sugar substitutes and set off a new trend of reducing sugar

    Founded in July 2020, Okalvia is a brand new natural zero-calorie sugar brand launched by WuHan HuaSweet Co., Ltd . Adhering to the principle of “connecting people with a natural and sustainable lifestyle with the sweet taste of 0 calories”, the core team of Okalvia is led by James R....
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  • Congratulations–Wuhan HuaSweet was selected as the state-level technologically advanced “little giant” enterprise

    Congratulations–Wuhan HuaSweet was selected as the state-level technologically advanced “little giant” enterprise

    According to the Notice of the Companies Passed the Review of Hubei Provincial Fourth Batch Technologically Advanced Little Giant Enterprises and First Batch Technologically Advanced Little Giant, published by Hubei Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology on Aug. 08, Wuhan Hua...
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  • High-Intensity Sweeteners

    High-intensity sweeteners are commonly used as sugar substitutes or sugar alternatives because they are many times sweeter than sugar but contribute only a few to no calories when added to foods. High-intensity sweeteners, like all other ingredients added to food in the United States, must be saf...
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  • FDA Approves New Non-Nutritive Sugar Substitute Neotame

    The Food and Drug Administration today announced its approval of a new sweetener, neotame, for use as a general-purpose sweetener in a wide variety of food products, other than meat and poultry. Neotame is a non-nutritive, high intensity sweetener that is manufactured by the NutraSweet Company of...
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  • Neotame

    Neotame is an artificial sweetener derived from aspartame that is considered its potential successor. This sweetener has essentially the same qualities as aspartame, such as a sweet taste close to that of sucrose, without a bitter or metallic aftertaste. Neotame has advantages over aspartame, suc...
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  • Congratulations—Huasweet Huanggang base started construction

    Congratulations—Huasweet Huanggang base started construction

    Wuhan Huasweet as a state-level new “little giant” enterprises, hidden champion of subdivision area, individual champion of manufacturing industries, has completed the strategic upgrade and purchase 66666 square meter of land in Hubei Huanggang Provincial Chemical Park, and establishe...
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